
New Mom Printable Road Trip Checklist

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #FindReliefWithPrepH #CollectiveBias

There’s a never a dull moment when you’re a busy traveling mama. I remember those days well. Between road trips to our favorite theme park a few hours away or a beachside getaway, being in the car for many hours at a time can be quite uncomfortable. New mothers have to deal with bodily changes including the possibility of hemorrhoids. How can you travel more comfortably?

It’s not just about packing a diaper bag for your little one. It’s about caring for your own body too. I know that I often forget things I needed, like extra bottles of water or stretch mark lotion, but it is the stuff that truly can help make a traveling bum more comfortable that you cannot miss out on!

Before you embark on a long journey, don’t forget to sit easy with PREPARATION H®! Look for the new PREPARATION H® Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Hemorrhoidal Cream AND the PREPARATION H® Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Totables®. Yes, wipes! You can take them anywhere AND they are flushable. No need to worry about any uncomfortable rest stop restroom flushing. 😉

I found everything at Walmart easily. As for the PREPARATION H® Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Totables®…don’t leave home without them! They are discreet and convenient in a travel size so that you can easily treat and reliever your hemorrhoid symptoms when you’re on the go. Say sayonara to burning and itching. Enjoy cooling, soothing comfort in a portable and discreet package. Plus, they are flushable and septic safe. WIN!

PREPARATION H®​ Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Totables® contains the highest amount of lidocaine available to quickly relieve pain. Phenylephrine is also included to relieve swelling and glycerin protects the skin from further irritation while promoting healing.

PREPARATION H® Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Hemorrhoidal Cream offers up best feeling from hemorrhoids…no feeling at all! The relief that you trust has lidocaine to help numb your symptoms. The powerful combination of maximum strength lidocaine PLUS glycerin can provide a soothing layer to make your road trip ride much more comfortable. 

For children under 12 years of age, consult a doctor. Please read the package for product warnings and complete labeling information.

Comfortable Road Trip Travel Guide

Download this printable to help you plan your next trip. These suggestions were things I needed while on the road, and you may not always think to do them. 

How to Set Up Your Road Trip After Pregnancy Checklist

Obviously, see above. Don’t forget to bring PREPARATION H® Rapid Relief with Lidocaine Totables®.

Use car trash bags or clip on totes like this. I put everything essential in an easy to reach spot! Whether it’s to store drive thru snacks or important items, keep your car organized on the go!

A neck pillow.

A fuzzy blanket.

A good book. Even better, download audio books! You can get these from your local library too.

Make a playlist

Pack snacks. We always bring a cooler with frozen bottles of water instead of ice. That way when they melt, we have more drinking water!

PLUS, if you are a new mama, this after pregnancy checklist can help you get organized too. Print this out, laminate it, hang it on your fridge. Brain dump all that important information so you can focus on feeling your best! 

Don’t forget to use all products as recommended…and get out there and have some fun! Don’t let a hemorrhoid keep you away from a fun road trip! 

Disclaimer:  For children under 12 years of age, consult a doctor. Please read the package for product warnings and complete labeling information
Krystal | Sunny Sweet Days
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