6 Eco-friendly Lifestyle Changes To Be Kinder To The Planet

Sometimes it seems as though the changes we seek are larger than us. It may seem that we have little control over what happens to our planet, and making it safer, healthier, and better is impossible. However, the truth is that every change begins with an individual, and that means you should start with yourself.

Research, technology, and education have taught us that we can contribute to the planetโ€™s planetโ€™s environmental health by protecting the earth in whatever small way we can. More and more people are making an effort to protect the environment in any way that they can, and going green is easier than ever before.

The commitment to going green is one of the most important things you can do to protect the environment, but where should you begin? Below are some simple tips on how to live an eco-friendly life.

green coniferous trees growing near each other

Go Green

Any time you're shopping for something – perhaps even groceries or a new television – don't hesitate to weigh your options. Consider looking at sustainability products to determine which has the most negligible environmental impact. The following are things to keep an eye on:

  • Are there easily recyclable packaging options for this product?
  • How long have the goods been in production? Is it local?
  • How energy- or water-efficient is this item? (for appliances and gadgets)

As consumers favor greener products, producers and manufacturers will increase their green practices, thus maintaining their competitive edge.

Use Fewer Automobiles

Reducing the amount of time you spend behind the wheel is perhaps the most straightforward change on this list. Aside from the environmental benefits of this practice, you are also likely to become slightly fitter; and to have more funds available at the end of the week. There are no downsides. How do you accomplish this? These are a few suggestions:

  • Walk short distances
  • Try working from home (at least part-time if you can)
  • Organize a carpool with your colleagues
  • Occasionally take public transportation
  • Ride a bicycle to work

Cut Down On Red Meat

Cattle and bulls are familiar sources of red meat, and they produce a large number of greenhouse gases, predominantly methane. The objective is not to persuade you to become vegetarian – we enjoy a good steak just as much as anyone else – but to demonstrate how a slight reduction can have a significant impact. As a bonus, a diet that only contains a small amount of red meat is said to offer you several health benefits. Also, meat production requires a large expanse of land, some chemicals, water, and more. Deciding to go meatless one day or more in a week will help reduce the resources used for meat production. For the days you eventually get to eat meat, eat sustainably raised meats. Meats that are made organically!

Start Recycling

It is not an uncommon saying, but we will repeat it: Recycling is smart. Make sure you and your business are recycling responsibly so you, your customers, and the planet benefit. The benefits of recycling include saving money, helping mitigate climate change, and inspiring others to take action. A successful recycling program always boils down to the same things, regardless of the materials you collect for recycling or reusing.  Also, set up a bin at home for recycling materials such as glass, plastic, paper, etc., and commit to reducing to reduce waste. Many municipalities and cities provide pickup services! Find out what recycling services and resources your city offers by visiting its website or contacting Waste Management.

Use Alternatives To Plastics

For plastic to decompose, it usually takes 500-1000 years. Moreover, every 60 seconds, plastic ends up in the ocean, threatening the existence of many marine animals. Even though completely cutting out plastic is (nearly) impossible, you can make a positive difference by switching plastics when possible and enjoying a more eco-friendly lifestyle.

Using reusable bags, clothes made from natural fibers, such as cotton and linen, throughout your home is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, as well as switching to bamboo toiletries in the bathroom. You should always use biodegradable plastic if you're using any kind of plasticโ€”the choices we make matter.

Plastic water bottles that are only used once contribute to the problem of landfills and are not friendly to your budget. Rather than purchasing these bottles, invest in a reusable water bottle that is BPA-free and consider purchasing a water purifier.

Be Politically Active

You can play a significant role in guiding people towards an incredible goal by becoming involved in politics – at whatever level of involvement you are comfortable with. You should not wait for someone else to take action. Make sure that you speak up for yourself.

There is no doubt that climate change is real. The time has come for us to think about what we can do to address climate change. Changing your lifestyle and routine to go green doesn't have to be a big deal–these small steps are a great place to start!

Krystal | Sunny Sweet Days
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