Choosing And Personalizing Your Easter Basket

Easter comes around every year in either March or April. Along with it comes the time to go out to look for Easter eggs. There are thousands of traditions related to the collection of chocolates and bunnies. Some people hide Easter eggs around the garden for an Easter egg hunt. Others deliver gifts in cute littleย Easter basketย and many create all kinds of crafts to wait for the bunny. This specific day each year is a great opportunity to surprise your children, friends or family with a striking basket full of objects and sweets to celebrate. It does not have to be literally a “basket”, but it can be something much different such as a plastic box, a glass container, or an antique strainer will also work.

eggs on a basket

The Tradition

In the old days of Easter, cakes and dyed eggs were folded in a wicker Easter basket, which was previously covered with an embroidered napkin and decorated with flowers. The basket is usually woven from consecrated vines or willow twigs. People chose this container to bring food to the temple not only because of the convenience but also because it was considered a talisman that could protect a person from the forces of evil and would send him down the real path.

The Weaving Process

The process of weaving baskets began with the manufacture of the lower base, which required the largest and strongest branches. In addition to the basic material, the willow twigs would be woven in the shape of a cross at the bottom for the future basket. Round, rectangular and oval baskets differed in various designs: some people sought to make their creations densely woven and durable, others preferred elegant openwork weavings, and still, others decorated baskets with various ornaments and patterns.

Ready-Made Baskets

You can now find a wide range of wicker products – large and spacious baskets, baskets in the form of chickens, decorated with intricate weavings and “pigtails”, miniature baskets for Easter eggs, and so on. In addition to traditional materials, willows and creepers, modern craftsmen often make baskets from rattan, paper, bamboo, dried seaweed, etc., covering them with acrylic paints and decorating them with festive decorations.

Making a Purchase

When choosing an Easter basket, you should carefully inspect it. If the product is manufactured correctly, the color of the material should be uniform, without the presence of black patches, stains, and cracks. Before buying, hold your hand to the sides of the basket and make sure that the material does not have rough edges and nicks, which indicates that the vine is too dry and the product is deformed. When choosing your favorite basket, try not to place it near heating devices and heat sources because overheating will cause it to dry out and the product will lose its shape and strength.


No matter what material your basket has, it is important that you try to choose the one that suits you. The Easter basket that you choose should be a representation of your personality and taste. Happy Easter!

Krystal | Sunny Sweet Days
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