An Essential Guide That’ll Help Every Dad Face Fatherhood

Fatherhood, the happiest and also scariest period for a father, especially because it is the first for you. What can a new, inexperienced father do to help his wife deal with the baby? Thankfully, you can prepare yourself properly and here we will give you some tips that will hopefully help you when the time comes.

a man and child standing together finger pointing at city views

Changing Diapers

As a new parent, you'll rapidly find yourself changing diapers. Diaper change will become second nature with experience, even if it seems overwhelming at first. And your child will provide you with lots of it: infants normally go through eight to ten diapers every day, depending on their size.

Make sure you have everything you'll need before you start. Here is the stuff you need:

  • Diapers in the suitable size
  • Diaper cream or ointment
  • Wipes
  • Change of clothes for your baby (you may need it)
  • Disposable bag

First, wash your hands. Prepare your materials. Ensure that you have everything you require within easy reach. Place your child on the ground. Place the baby on his or her back on the changing surface. Disconnect the diaper tabs. By gently gripping and elevating your child's ankles, you can remove their bottom off the diaper. If there is a lot of stool in the diaper, gently sweep it toward the lower part with the upper half of the diaper. Remove the diaper by sliding it away. Keep it close by but out of reach of your child. Wipe the baby down with a clean cloth, since the experts at say that you need to be thorough but gentle because you don’t want to damage the baby’s skin. To avoid infection, always wipe a baby from the front to the back. Using wipes or damp cotton balls, thoroughly clean the area. Place rubbish in a separate area. On top of the soiled diaper, place any used disposable cleaning products.

Under your baby's bottom, place a clean diaper. Make sure the tabs are on the bottom side of your child's body. Apply any lotions or ointments. Use any rashes-prevention products advised by your doctor before sealing the diaper. Replace the new diaper and close it. Pull the front up over your child's stomach and between their legs. Pull the diaper tabs open and around to the front of the diaper, making sure it is snug but not too tight. The used diaper should be rolled up.  Place the diaper in a garbage container, a bag, or a diaper bin. In the end, clean the surface.


You don't have to bathe your infant daily. Instead, you might wash their face, neck, hands, and bottom. Holding your baby on your knee or laying them on a changing mat are good options. Except for their vest and nappies, strip them down to their underwear and wrap them in a towel. Using a fresh piece of cotton wool for each eye, dip the cotton wool in the water and gently wipe around your baby's eyes from the nose outward. This stops any infection or stickiness from traveling from one eye to the other.

Clean around your baby's ears with a fresh piece of cotton wool, but not within them. Cotton buds should never be used to clean inside your baby's ears. Using the same method, wash the remainder of your baby's face, neck, and hands and gently dry them with a towel. Remove the nappy and use warm water to wash your baby's bottom and genital area. Replace with a new nappy after fully drying, especially between the skin folds. Talking to your baby as he or she is being washed will help them relax. They'll get used to listening to you and begin to understand what you're saying the more they hear your voice.

Entertaining Your Baby

Make funny faces, laugh, roll your eyes, or stick out your tongue. Your baby enjoys staring at your face. Give your baby a variety of textures to feel – soft toys, rattles, and cloth books with varying textures on the pages are all entertaining for your baby. Your newborn will learn about the world by feeling different things. Give your baby a variety of things to gaze at, including the outdoors, the indoors, other people, and different rooms. Wait for your newborn to respond to your words or sounds. You'll be astonished at how much your infant has to “say”. Try reading aloud to your child. It's never too early to begin, but keep in mind that infants can only see around 20-30 cm in front of them. Try reading in a variety of voices; this may pique his/ her interest.

Hopefully, these tips will help you be of help to your spouse, and more importantly that you will bond with your baby.

Krystal | Sunny Sweet Days
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